One-click Login With Blockchain: A MetaMask Tutorial -

Let Your Users Login with MetaMask. We introduced in this article a one-click, cryptographically-secure login flow, with no third party involved, called “Login with MetaMask”. We explained how a digit

To log in to MetaMask, you can use your password or seed phrase:

  1. Password login: If you have previously created a wallet, you can log in with your password. This is the simplest way to access your wallet.

  2. Seed phrase recovery: If you have forgotten your password, you can recover your wallet using your seed phrase. Your seed phrase is a set of 12-24 words that was generated when you first created your wallet. It is very important to keep your seed phrase secure and private, as anyone with access to it can control your wallet.

To log in with your password:

  1. Open the MetaMask extension or mobile app

  2. Enter your password

  3. Click "Unlock"

If you have forgotten your password, you can recover your wallet by:

  1. Opening the MetaMask extension or mobile app

  2. Entering your 12-24 word seed phrase

  3. Creating a new password

After logging in, you will be able to view your wallet balance, send and receive funds, and interact with decentralized applications (dApps).

It's important to keep your MetaMask account secure by never sharing your password or seed phrase with anyone. MetaMask is a self-custodial wallet, which means you are fully responsible for securing your own funds.

Last updated